Monday, December 17, 2007

Love...a possession?...

love is no possession but needs to be valued more den any possession tat u have more than even your own life...tats been found true in many many people do you actually see being married to people whom they call they love...u just see people saying "wow he is rich he has a car, i want him as my bf" or "wow! dude she's hot, smoking, she must be my gf" is not for those people who want it for fun but for those who find fun in it...they say love can climb doesn't mean that you have to climb mount everest for your love it means you should be ready to do anything for your love...i mean your relationship with your partner must be of great trust...and i mean great is the most important thing in this world and specially in a relationship and more so if its about should trust your partner for everything in your life and your partner must be trustworthy enough that he/she doesn't ask you of anything that you can't give...because if your partner truly loves you he won't ask you to do anything that's against your wishes and if that happens and he/she tries to misuse your trust then he/she doesn't love you and just having fun for the sake of having is no fun but life becomes fun when your in love...your view towards life changes and you start to find everything around u to be great n i mean great(i use the word great only for things i believe it must be used, i seldom use it)...its like you are the luckiest person on love shouldn't be like "mujhe bhi ek gf/bf chahiye"...because love is comes straight from the heart, from your don't hurt your soul pretending love or make fun of someone else's feelings.. if not for anyone else, then at the least for your conscience it should never be done...he/she may forgive you but your conscience wont(only if your a good human being) won't be able to face yourself...

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